Combinatorial testing (CT) technique could significantly reduce testing cost and increase software system quality. By using the test\nsuite generated by CT as input to conduct black-box testing towards a system, we are able to detect interactions that trigger the\nsystem�s faults. Given a test case, there may be only part of all its parameters relevant to the defects in system and the interaction\nconstructed by those partial parameters is key factor of triggering fault. If we can locate those parameters accurately, this will\nfacilitate the software diagnosing and testing process. This paper proposes a novel algorithm named complete Fault Interaction\nLocation (comFIL) to locate those interactions that cause system�s failures and meanwhile obtains the minimal set of target\ninteractions in test suite produced by CT. By applying this method, testers can analyze and locate the factors relevant to defects\nof system more precisely, thus making the process of software testing and debugging easier and more efficient. The results of our\nempirical study indicate that comFIL performs better compared with known fault location techniques in combinatorial testing\nbecause of its improved effectiveness and precision.